The Lean Library is a browser plug-in that allows you easy access to the electronic resources the UJ Library subscribes to when doing a Google or Google Scholar
search. Access Library content wherever and whenever you need it. Visit this Lean Library Libguide for more information, how to download it and instructional videos.
An online research management, writing and collaboration tool — designed to help researchers easily gather, manage, store and share all types of information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies.
If you need to manage information for any reason — whether it be for writing, research or collaboration — RefWorks is the perfect tool. Use the RefWorks LibGuide and information resources on the RefWorks site to work smarter with RefWorks.
Reference Techniques
Harvard Reference Techniques (We are currently updating to the latest version, when using this old version, please be aware of inconsistencies)
APA Reference Techniques (We are currently updating to the latest version, when using this old version, please be aware of inconsistencies)
Guide to What’s New in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.
Key changes between APA 6th and APA 7th
Harvard Quick Reference online (Elize du Toit, UJ)
ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier)
ORCiD provides a persistent 16 digit, unique, digital identifier for researchers and scholars that distinguishes you from every other researcher. They can be used in any institution throughout a researcher’s career life and are interoperable across systems of publishers, funding organizations and research institutions. To get the full benefit of using ORCiDs:
- Register for an ORCiD
- Link it to your institution, in this case, the University of Johannesburg
- Use your ORCiD in your: institutional profile page research outputs when submitting to publish, email signature, conference presentation, media stories, CV, anywhere you have a public profile
Accredited Journals
In South Africa, only articles published in accredited journals are considered for subsidy. Journals included in the DHET list below are considered “accredited” and will be taken into account for government subsidy and NRF evaluation.
Please note that the DHET list provided by the UJ Research Office is the ONLY source to be consulted. If anyone is not sure about a journal it is best to contact the Research Office: Reetha Nundulall, Tel. +27 11 559 6598; email: [email protected]
The DHET journal list is also posted on the UJ web > Research > Research Publications > Accredited DHET journal lists
Researcher Visibility (Impact)
Visit this LIbGuide for more information on Researcher Visibility