UJ Quality Btech
UJ Quality Btech, After successful completion of the National Diploma, candidates may, subject to the applicable programme regulations, register for the Bachelor’s Degree in Technology (Baccalaureus Technologiae –BTech). The BTech requires a minimum of one year’s further study.
A BTech Degree in the relevant field of study will be conferred on candidates after successful completion of all theoretical requirements.
The aim of the qualification is to develop the student’s applied and cognitive competencies in the acquisition, interpretation, understanding and applications of quality management principles.
The student should be able to analyse and explain quality assurance decisions in the context of a QA unit, a company, as well as the regulatory environment, and to assess and interpret the external impact of decisions. The student should also be able to reflect on her/his QA decisions and applications to assess the effect thereof in the holistic context of quality assurance and improvement. Students must have experience in the QA function, in order to contextualize their learning to their business environment, and to appreciate improvements andinterventions they can affect in their working environments.
Programme: Quality and Operations Management
Quality and Operations Management includes a range of activities from managing quality and process strategy to human resources and supply chain management.
Career Opportunities
Employment includes opportunities in production supervision, factory management, product development, and flow and cost control.
Employment opportunities that exist within the field of Quality and Operations Management:
- Facilities Coordinator
- Industrial Production Manager
- Logistics Manager
- Materials Manager
- Operations Manager
- Operations Research Analyst
- Purchasing Manager
- Quality Assurance Manager
Advanced Diploma in QUALITY
Purpose of the programme
The purpose of the Advanced Diploma in Quality is to prepare the student from production and/or service environment to become a quality practitioner specialising in quality tools and techniques. The qualifying person will apply a body of knowledge, skills and applied competencies of quality and quality principles, tools and techniques to implement, maintain and improve quality in their respective working environment. The qualification is to develop a graduate who is proficient in the knowledge, attitudes, insight and skills required for the quality management. The proposed curriculum will enable the student to competently apply and integrate theoretical principles, evidence-based techniques, practical experience and appropriate skills in an independent manner in a variety of settings.
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Purpose of the programme
The purpose of the Advanced Diploma in Operations Management is to develop the students’ applied and cognitive competencies in acquisition, interpretation, understanding and applications of Operations Management principles so that students should be able to analyse
and explain operations decisions. Additionally, the student should also be able to reflect on the theories and application of these operations management decisions in their respective workplace. The qualification is to develop a graduate competency in the knowledge, attitudes, insight and skills required for the quality management and related professions. The proposed curriculum will enable the graduate to competently apply and integrate theoretical principles, evidence-based techniques, practical experience and appropriate skills in an independent manner in a variety of settings.
Purpose of the programme
The purpose of the Advanced Diploma in Management Services is to introduce students to applied and cognitive competencies in the acquisition, interpretation, understanding, and applications of best practices and work-study techniques within the organisation. The aim of the programme is to provide problem-solving services to medium- or large-sized organisations and definite management support role to all types of management. The programme Helps companies with structuring their internal environment to search out, evaluate and employ knowledge that improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation.
Postgraduate Diploma in QUALITY
Purpose of the programme
The purpose of the Postgraduate Diploma in Quality is to endow the student from a production and/or service environment to become a quality professional specialising in quality tools, techniques and projects. The qualifying person will apply their pragmatic capabilities and profiencies in decisions making and management of quality projects. The qualification is to intensify the student’s skills and knowledge required for decision making, into sound quality practices. The proposed curriculum will enable the student to competently employ and integrate evidence-based techniques, practical experience, and appropriate skills in an independent manner in conducting and managing research projects and application of an integrated system. Students will undertake a research dissertation related to operations management. The proposed program offers an opportunity to showcase the skills students acquired in classes during the year and to apply research practice. This activity will be supervised by a member of academic staff, who will guide and assist in conducting a literature review and carry out an appropriate study.
Postgraduate Diploma in OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT
Purpose of the programme
The purpose of the Postgraduate Diploma in Operations Management is to (1) give a gathered learning knowledge in particular operations administration issues in a national and universal environment for candidates with or without business or public administration foundation, operations management specifically; (2) build up a basic comprehension of the changing operations management technique and strategy setting inside the private, public and nonprofit associations; (3) develop competencies in strategic issues associated with organizations operations management function; (4) develop an intermediary understanding of fundamental concepts and principles from the various business and public disciplines; (5) improve students’ administrative abilities through a pledge to an on-going administrative advancement; (6) urge students to think broadly and bridge gaps between theories and the actual practice of effective operations management; and (7) distinguish factors and create methodologies contributing to poverty alleviation and community development.
Postgraduate Diploma in MANAGEMENT SERVICES
Purpose of the programme
The purpose of the Postgraduate Diploma in Management Services is to improve the student’s capabilities and proficiencies in decision making and developing their expertise in the management of projects. The aim of the programme is to transform the student’s competencies
in evaluating and assessing organisation’s issues and problems with the purpose of resolution in relation to the improvement of management services.
Faculty Administration
Hashalia Alwar
011 559 6950
Head of Department: Dr. Nita Sukdeo
[email protected] / 011 559 6977